Taiwan in My Eyes – 3A Alliance

邱晨 (Rachel)、Achille (艾家齊)

通常我們學生到一家公司去,不管是去參訪也好,實習也好,總會有不同的感想。這個感想呢,會帶著咱們去瞭解外界以及上班族的生涯。而此次Taiwan in My Eyes – Where is SDGs ?更讓我們打開眼界。
我們這一組叫 3A Alliance,指的是 Asia, America與Africa A開頭的這3個州的連接,因爲 Rachel來自東亞,Luis 和 Diego 來自南美洲,Achille 來自西非,我們是臺灣大學報名的兩個隊伍之一,也是2018 探索臺灣120h – 永續在哪兒的第二名。

3A Alliance隊員:(左起) Achille、Luis、邱晨和Diego


聯合國17項永續發展目標 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)




Diego (狄亞哥)、 Luis (柯路易)、Achille (艾家齊)

3A Alliance group is formed by Rachel Chiu from Taiwan, Diego from Honduras, Luis from Paraguay, and Achille from Burkina Faso. Having a multicultural group had a positive impact in our work. All four of us come from different backgrounds, and therefore, we all have different points of views and ideas to which we shared to create a more dynamic and interesting work. Something to mention from us, is that we are all currently studying Civil Engineering at National Taiwan University. This is not the first time that we join to work together; the newly created Civil Engineering Buddy Program at NTU brought us together the first time and since then we have been doing in-school and out-school activities together. As Civil Engineering students we understand the importance of creating a better future and we believe this was the perfect opportunity to continue our path for our common goal.

The reason why 3A Alliance decided to join SDGs “2018 Taiwan in My Eyes 120hr” is that we appreciate this country very much. Taiwan has been a good home for us and it was time to show the world the beauty of it, and there is no better way to promote Taiwan’s beauty than showing the world how this island cares about sustainability and what are they doing to become a better place.
Through this project we had the opportunity to visit some companies and touristic places which promotes SDGs. We learned many things from all these sited visits, but something important to mention is all the different people we met during these visits. The diversity of universities and countries made it a more interesting and productive trip, since we had the opportunity to learn with and from them. Hopefully they will become future partners of us in these long road to a more equitable, peaceful and sustainable world.

We are proud of our work done during these five days of site visits as we became young ambassadors of Taiwan by introducing this beautiful country and sharing to the world the progress made in SDGs so far.
Sustainable Development Goals is an ambitious cross-cultural effort that requires partnership between governments, the private sector, and civil society to achieve the main goal of making this world a better place to live. A lot of effort has been made to realize this dream, and the result is a set of 17 goals to be achieved in a time span of 15 years, ending in 2030. Therefore, all countries united must tackle challenges and work together to alleviate the environmental, economic and social concerns that affect us every day. This could be achieved by working constantly in the improvement of poverty reduction, equity, social progress and environmental sustainability.

The pre-selected places by the projects committee were located in northern, central and southern Taiwan. Taking advantage of the opportunity given to be at different locations of Taiwan (Taipei, Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and Tainan), 3A Alliance decided to make a good use of the time and money and search for places around those cities to promote the different SDGs.

The self-selected places of the site visits during these five days were decided based on our focus during this project; which was: Quality Education, SDG4. Improving education on important topics such as SDGs can help our society achieve the goal of becoming a sustainable world. Searching for a variety of topics was our main goal, that way we could show the world by the use of social media that Taiwan is a country that is working to achieve those 17 goals established by the UN. Luckily for us, Taiwan has found the way of connecting various SDGs in one specific place all while educating its people.

More attention is currently being paid to the concept of sustainability. After all, being sustainable not only makes sense, it is also necessary. The companies we visited are already aware of this, so they are intensely working on alternative options that combine production and environmental care. But still, we recognize that educating for a sustainable world is the key for future generations to survive.
Educate for sustainability is transmit knowledge and habits to students for them to build a healthy future for them community and the planet. Sustainability education should start at primary school, as we know children learn faster, and the creativity and curiosity of them shall be the key to solve problems. Schools don’t have to create lessons dedicated solely to the environment and energy to teach them about these issues. The point is that this knowledge can be diffused in core subjects like math, science and even literacy lessons. By this way children get excited to learn about real life issues and the prospect of making a change.

The next step is implementation. Many great plans have come and gone without robust implementation. For a plan to go from paper to populace, the timing has to be right; the rationale for change has to be compelling; the results have to be visible, desirable and doable for all, and the political will has to be persistence. Sustainability Education and Environmental Education are mature fields of inquiry. We found very interesting that some companies that we visited had already slowly implement the participation of students in sustainability projects.
We are very thankful to be part of this competition, we learned a lot about possible solutions and plans that are already in progress. Taiwan, always being an agent of change for the world, we feel very lucky to has the opportunity to live in this country and we are determined to absorb as much knowledge as possible, so by this manner being able to contribute in this project by the anyplace we arrive from.