The day had finally arrived and the nervous energy was finally setting in. After four years of hard work and struggle I was taking that final step of graduating. Although my parents weren’t here to celebrate this momentous time with me, I know there were there in spirit. I had already spoken to them the night before and they were so proud and excited over my achievements.
台大土木系軌道科技研究中心此次很榮幸邀請到TRB鐵道學門主席Prof. Anthony Perl教授於6月中旬前來專題演講。Perl教授夫婦6月11日抵達臺北後,隔天由賴勇成教授陪同搭乘火車環島,認識臺灣的軌道運輸系統,首先搭乘臺鐵最著名的自強號太魯閣列車,讓Perl教授了解臺灣東北部由於地形因素,火車路線蜿蜒綣曲,必須引進傾斜式列車以提高平均的行駛速度,抵達花蓮後,於太魯閣地區欣賞大自然的鬼斧神工,爾後經過非電氣化路線的花東線、南迴線鐵路,抵達高雄地區,並與台灣高鐵公司會談,了解高速鐵路在臺灣的發展現況。