杜風 58 期 國際交流 |
My life at NTU — memorable days
Le Huy 黎 輝
越南聯合學程應屆畢業生 |
I have lived and studied at NTU for one year, a short time considering 12 years at school and 5 year at a Vietnamese university. But this is one year full of events and emotions. I could not tell all what I felt in these days but I can summarize in one word: happy.
I have to admit that I have no difficulty in processing numerous admission procedures. This is the result of very professional and caring reception of NTU as well as the heartfelt assistance of Vietnamese Student Association at NTU for the new students. I was also surprised by the effectiveness of the administration system in Taiwan and NTU. NTU website in particular, is amazing since it can handle virtually everything a student may encounter at NTU.
As a nature lover, I enjoined very much the environment of NTU where spacious green areas are skillfully designed to blend with buildings and sport field. My room in dormitory was facing a large garden where I often saw birds and squirrels playing in the trees. I wondered how much common Taiwanese people have to give away for the sake of NTU excellent facility, especially land – a large land area in the heart of crowded Taipei city. Taiwan is really a society which highly appreciate education in both speaking and action.
My Dormitory in Guo Qing Building |
Studying at NTU was more interesting and challenging than any time in my academic life. In just one year, I had to fulfill several courses and write a thesis which is of high quality to meet the international standard. I was proud that I had completed all these difficult tasks with the great help by my advisor, Professor Chen Po Han. NTU Civil Engineering offered many supports and advices to me. I regretted that I did not attend Chinese language class as advised by Professor Leu, Chairman but interestingly, I could recognize many words which are similar to Vietnamese.
These pictures were taken at the welcome lunch between NTU CE Dept. professors and Vietnamese students and I still remembered about it as though it happened yesterday. This occasion make me feel like we live in a family.
Vietnamese Fellow Students and the Professors in CE Department |
I always feel that the Master Degree I have from NTU is invaluable possession of my life, but I think that it is more important to live to the spirit of NTU under the NTU flag.
NTU Flag in Graduation Day |