Nelen & Schuurmans 實習心得
Internship Experience in Nelen & Schuurmans

透過110年度教育部「學海築夢」─獎助大專校院海外專業實習計畫,我有幸得到在荷蘭商青蛙科技有限公司(Nelen & Schuurmans)實習的機會。
Nelen & Schuurmans是一家在水管理和資訊科技軟體服務上的創新科技公司,使命為打造一個健康、安全,和有韌性的生存環境並做出貢獻,不只是計畫執行者,更是與客戶一起緊密合作的夥伴,樂於在淹水與空間資訊問題上追求極大化,以及提供可行的解決方案。

公司的資訊科技包括兩個不同的軟體服務—Lizard和3Di,以此協助私營及公部門的客戶解決水管理與空間資訊的問題。Lizard為一個用於物理環境的數據倉庫和分析平台;透過3Di,則可為關注目標區域提供流體力學的建模服務。諮詢方面,專注於五個特定的主題:都市用水(urban water)、氣候適應(climate adaptation)、營運水管理(operational water management)、洪水風險(flood risk),以及水與農業(water & agriculture)。此外,重要的是,Nelen & Schuurmans 也以 Frog Technology 的名稱在台灣的亞太分公司積極與台灣部門合作與拓展(欲了解更多資訊,請查看
實習期間,我所研究的專題主題為「台灣石門水庫流域水動力模型與土壤侵蝕風險圖的建置」(Hydrodynamical Modelling and Soil Erosion Risk Maps in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed, Taiwan)。由於台灣地理環境特殊,位於板塊交界及颱風路徑之上,面臨天然災害如地震和颱風已為常態,且隨後發生的土石流和洪水帶來的影響也相當巨大,因此災後的風險評估深具重要性;另外,從大學參與過的大專生計畫到這次的海外實習,天然災害影響下的危險潛勢與風險評估,一直都是我感興趣的議題。這次很幸運也很感謝能有機會得到許多人的協助,完成這次實習的專題。



但是,所幸一路上有許多幫助過自己的人,若不是他們的幫助,我應該無法順利完成這次的實習計畫,例如:實習單位熱心又有耐心的同事們,以及我的指導教授游景雲老師,還有其他曾透過email、視訊或親自請益過的荷蘭其他大學或研究單位,如TU Delft, University of Twente, Utrecht University, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences…

編按:目前Nelen & Schuurmans總公司與在臺分公司都有提供實習機會給本系學生(link),有興趣的同學不要錯過了!

It is my honor to acquire the opportunity to work as an intern at Nelen & Schuurmans in the Netherlands via the “Overseas Internship Program” from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

Nelen & Schuurmans is an innovative technology company specializing in water management and IT software services. Their mission is contributing to a healthy, safe and resilient environment in close cooperation with customers in the private and public sector across the globe. They achieve the goal by making the best information available to decision makers using the IT and consulting services in the company.

Two IT services are provided; one is Lizard, and the other is 3Di. Lizard is a data warehouse and analytics platform for the physical environment. And for hydrodynamic modelling services are provided with 3Di. On the The consultancy side is focusing on specific topics: urban water, climate adaptation, operational water management, flood risk and water & agriculture. Last but not least Nelen & Schuurmans is also actively involved in Taiwan under the name Frog Technology (for more information please have a look at

During my internship period, the topic of my research is “Hydrodynamical Modelling and Soil Erosion Risk Maps in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed, Taiwan”.

Due to the unique geographical environment of Taiwan, which is located at the junction of tectonic plates and on the passing routes of typhoons, natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons have become a common occurrence, and the impact of subsequent earthquakes and floods is also significant, so post-disaster risk assessment is of great importance.

In addition, from the past experience of conducting a research in “College Student Research Project” host by Ministry of Science and Technology to this overseas internship, hazard potential and risk assessment under the impact of natural disasters has always been an issue of interest to me. I am very fortunate and grateful to have the opportunity to receive assistance from many people to complete this internship project.

In this internship project, Shihmen reservoir watershed, northern Taiwan is chosen as the research area in this study. In terms of the hydrodynamics model, we would like to use 3Di to simulate Typhoon Aere in 2004 to investigate the influence of severe typhoon events due to the significant role of sediment production of the study area.

These areas will be determined based on soil parameters, bed coverage and land use in combination with velocity fields from 3Di. Based on these parameters an erosion risk map is derived with indications, e.g. very high, high, medium and low risk, and it considers the spatial distributions of bed shear stress as a risk indicator to evaluate the effect of soil erosion after the typhoon event.

Our study indicates that most areas of Shihmen reservoir watershed are under moderate or high-risk level of soil erosion in the case, while few areas in hillslope or lowland region would suffer very-high-risk and low-risk level of soil erosion hazard. The map provides an evaluation reference for decision making, when it comes to such typhoon events in the future. It is evidenced to be a valuable reference for the reservoir authority to plan future soil conservation engineering as well.

It was a worthwhile opportunity to have an internship in the Netherlands, a country with a strong professional knowledge background of water environment issues. However, because of the impact of the current covid-19 period, it was challenging for me to quickly master software tools during the internship period, and gain the ability to revise the research results and analysis. Fortunately, there were many people who helped me along the way: the enthusiastic and patient colleagues at Nelen & Schuurmans, my supervisor, Professor Gene Jiing-Yun You, and others who I had contacted via emails, online meetings, or personally consulted with other universities or research institutes in the Netherlands, such as TU Delft, University of Twente, Utrecht University, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences…

Thanks to all of my colleagues and professional scholars who were willing to answer my questions. I would not be able to successfully accomplish this internship project in the era of the covid epidemic without the help from all of them. It is grateful to efficiently achieve the original purpose of the internship research project and add a meaningful record to my life history.

Editor’s note: Nelen & Schuurmans are now offering internship and research opportunities at both headquarters in the Netherlands and branch office (FrogTech) in Taiwan! Please visit link for more details and contact information.

Nelen & Schuurmans公司外觀
Internship in Nelen & Schuurmans

Group pictures with intern colleagues

Maps of bed shear stress and selected values over critical shear stress, which can be regarded as a soil erosion risk indicator to show the erosion hazard potential
Group pictures with intern colleagues

Soil erosion risk map of Shihmen reservoir watershed after Typhoon Aere in 2004 based on risk level classification