【International Voices in NTUCE】(EP08) Navigating Academic and Engineering Challenges: A Journey with Achille Tapsoba

Interviewee: Achille Tapsoba
Interviewer: Milan Ortiz


In the diverse world of global education, there are inspiring stories of people who face challenges and create their own success. Achille Tapsoba’s journey from Burkina Faso to Taiwan is one of these stories. It’s a tale that combines his background, education, and career development. In this article, we’ll look into Achille’s experiences, focusing on his studies at National Taiwan University and his job as a civil engineer at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). This journey reflects not only personal growth but also the broader impact of education and professional life.

A Journey to Taiwan

Achille Tapsoba, born and raised in Burkina Faso, embarked on a transformative journey to Taiwan eight years ago. He arrived with around 15 other students from Burkina Faso, and commenced his educational journey by studying Chinese at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taipei. This early exposure to Taiwanese culture, including trips to Alishan, Hualien, and Taichung, laid the foundation for Achille’s cross-cultural understanding.

Having studied Chinese for a year, Achille aimed for academic success and enrolled at National Taiwan University. There, he successfully obtained both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering. Despite facing challenges in the Chinese-taught engineering program, Achille tackled linguistic barriers with determination. He went the extra mile to overcome the language gap, showcasing resilience and commitment to his educational journey.

National Taiwan University: A Stepping Stone

Reflecting on his academic experience at National Taiwan University, Achille describes a comprehensive and well-structured educational program. Despite being the only non-Asian student in his class, he found support in English-taught courses like statics and dynamics. The curriculum at the university put emphasis on Chinese language proficiency, by having Chinese language classes for international students during the first two years.

Being the only non-Asian student in his class, Achille’s experience at National Taiwan University sheds light on the importance of cultural diversity in the educational landscape. It fosters a dynamic learning environment where different perspectives converge, enriching the academic discourse. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to collaborate across cultures becomes an invaluable asset. Achille’s journey also highlights the role of language in engineering education. Navigating a predominantly Chinese-taught program presented challenges, but it also underscored the global nature of engineering knowledge. The ability to communicate and comprehend technical concepts in a language different from one’s own is a skill that prepares engineers for a diverse and multicultural professional landscape.

Achille emphasizes the practical relevance of the courses, highlighting the importance of software tools like SketchUp and AutoCAD. These tools, he notes, are extremely valuable in the real-world application of civil engineering. The professors and teaching assistants played a pivotal role in facilitating understanding, making the educational journey at National Taiwan University a rewarding one.

Choosing a Path: Construction Management

Achille’s academic journey took a decisive turn during his third year when he specialized in construction management. His decision was influenced by the realization that the knowledge acquired in areas like structural engineering and transportation engineering might not seamlessly translate to the context of Burkina Faso. Construction management, with its universal principles of scheduling, budgeting, and collaboration, proved to be a practical and applicable choice.

For his master’s degree, Achille delved deeper into the impact of different construction stages and strategies to minimize construction time while maximizing efficiency. This specialization laid the groundwork for his future endeavors in the field.

Achille’s decision to specialize in construction management reflects a thoughtful consideration of the applicability of knowledge in different contexts. The evolution of his professional goals from structural engineering and transportation engineering to construction management reflects an understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of his home country, Burkina Faso. It is a testament to the importance of aligning academic pursuits with real-world needs.

The Essence of a Civil Engineer

When it comes to the key qualities for a civil engineer, Achille places significant emphasis on attitude and perseverance. He recognizes that in any career, there will be both successes and setbacks, but he underscores the utmost importance of continuing to move forward. For Achille, maintaining a resolute mindset is crucial. He points out the value of having a clear goal and purpose, such as his commitment to pursuing education and professionalism. This dedication serves as a consistent source of motivation, propelling him through the challenges he encounters. Achille’s journey is fueled by a sense of purpose, and this determination has been a guiding force in his academic and professional endeavors.

Additionally, Achille acknowledges the vital role that support from family and friends back home plays in sustaining his journey. The encouragement and backing from loved ones contribute significantly to his resilience. This external support system provides not only motivation but also a sense of connection to his roots and the people who believe in his capabilities. In the demanding field of civil engineering, where challenges are inevitable, Achille’s unwavering attitude, perseverance, and the robust foundation of support from his personal network collectively form the pillars that uphold and drive his continuous journey towards academic and professional excellence.

Professional Milestones: Challenges and Triumphs

Working at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Achille has faced various challenges, and one particularly memorable task involved overseeing the construction of a parking lot for a factory in Tainan. The urgency of the situation, combined with the necessity to meet strict standards, demanded quick and effective action. The completion of the parking lot not only showcased Achille’s ability to navigate challenges efficiently but also had a direct and positive impact on the employees. Seeing the tangible outcomes of his work emphasized the significance of his role in enhancing the working conditions and overall satisfaction of the TSMC workforce.

Within the construction department at TSMC, Achille takes on the role of coordinating with construction companies to guarantee that projects adhere to budgetary constraints, adhere to established timelines, and fulfill all essential prerequisites. The semiconductor manufacturing setting amplifies the significance of stringent standards, making it imperative to meet the expectations of clients. In this dynamic environment, the precision and quality of construction become crucial factors in TSMC’s ability to meet the demands of their clientele. Achille’s responsibilities underscore the intricate nature of construction within the semiconductor industry, where precision, efficiency, and strict adherence to standards are non-negotiable aspects of successful project completion.

Advice for Aspiring Engineers

Achille provides valuable guidance for students aspiring to pursue civil engineering. He praises the extensive curriculum at National Taiwan University, emphasizing the importance of specific courses. He suggests placing special emphasis on subjects like computer programming and engineering graphics. In today’s age, where technology is central to various industries, Achille underscores the significance of proficiency in software tools like AutoCAD and SketchUp. Such skills, he believes, are pivotal for success in the construction industry, where precision and efficiency are paramount. Achille’s advice reflects the evolving demands of the engineering field and the need for a well-rounded education to thrive in the contemporary professional landscape.


Achille Tapsoba’s journey from Burkina Faso to Taiwan, navigating linguistic challenges and academic pursuits, exemplifies the resilience required to succeed in the field of civil engineering. His experiences at National Taiwan University and his professional endeavors at TSMC serve as a testament to the global nature of education and the impactful role of engineers in shaping the built environment. Aspiring engineers can draw inspiration from Achille’s story, recognizing that a combination of attitude, perseverance, and a purpose-driven mindset can lead to meaningful and successful careers in civil engineering. From the classrooms of National Taiwan University to the construction sites in Tainan, Achille’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream big.