杜風 34 期 系務動態 |
Prof. Stephen Mahin 來訪演講
Prof. Stephen Mahin
Director of Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Prof. Stephen Mahin 在地震、結構工程方面之研究非常傑出,本次由同濟大學光華基金會贊助來訪,除拜訪本系與國家地震工程研究中心,並於8月13日上午於國家地震工程研究中心一樓演講廳專題演講,講題為 The next challenge in earthquake engineering: sustainable, earthquake-resilient communities,獲得極大的迴響,演講摘要如下:
For the past four decades research in earthquake engineering has focused on developing structural systems that have a high confidence of surviving a rare and unusually severe earthquake without collapse. While this goal is essential, it may not be sufficient in the modern world. Even though structures may not collapse, they may not be safe or functional following a design seismic event. The resulting disruption to facilities and infrastructure systems may result in tremendous economic and social disruption. Workers may not have adequate housing or safe offices and factories, and damage to transportation, power, telecommunications and water supply systems may hamper emergency response and recovery efforts.
Thus, attention is increasingly being placed on structures that are both sustainable and seismically resilient. One remedy is to design stronger structures, but this may be more expensive, use more materials, and result in greater damage to certain nonstructural components. By applying well-known approaches based on nonlinear dynamic response, but by focusing on limiting drifts, accelerations and permanent displacements, structural engineers may provide structures that are not only safe and economical but also minimize post-earthquake disruption and repair. Several approaches are illustrated in this presentation involving rocking foundations, prestressed self-centering systems, inertial damping systems and seismic isolation for systems ranging from low rise office buildings to high-rise mixed use buildings.
Biographical Sketch
Stephen Mahin is the Director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center and the Byron and Elvira Nishkian Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He carries wide ranging and often pioneering research in earthquake engineering, ranging from high performance computational simulation, performance based design, protective systems, and advanced experimental research. His research focuses on reinforced concrete, steel and wood structures. He has more than 300 publications, and is the recipient of numerous awards and honors.